WordPress was originally intended, and is still widely used as, a blog tool, so it’s no surprise to me when clients who I’ve built WordPress websites for ask me about blogging on their new website. I always reply that I think it’s a great idea to do so, and that incorporating a blog can have a great benefit for both the website and the business.
Case in point is a client I just finished working with. He has years of experience in his field, and his company is a 1-stop shop for all the needs people have when it comes to his particular service. He’s the personality behind the business, and the new website reflects this – which makes him a perfect candidate to start blogging.
When he first asked me about blogging, the advice I gave him was based on my own experiences as a small business owner who blogs, and was that it could really help his business if he blogged regularly on your website. (Especially since he was already using WordPress.)
Here are some ways that blogging can help your business:
I know that writing regular blog posts has helped my business out tremendously. One of the biggest benefits is that it helped me find my voice when articulating web design concepts to other people. Ultimately I think this has translated into a confidence in my professional skills and abilities.
Of course, the increased web traffic and better search engine results certainly hasn’t hurt either. Some of the posts that I’ve written have received a great deal of web traffic, none of which would have found my website otherwise. And since Google and the major search engines factor in the context of your website and what you’re writing about, the more keyword-rich content on it, the better off you’ll be.
While blogging is a great way to benefit your small business, I try to remind people that success with blogging isn’t easy and doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a lot of hard work, but that’s a concept that any small business owner already knows.
So if you want to start blogging, here are some things to keep in mind as you get down to it:
If you want more information about the art of blogging, there are a lot of great websites out there that can provide a ton of content for you to look through. I read some of these myself, so I can personally recommend them:
If you’re a small business owner who blogs regularly, do you have any tips, success, or advice that you think others might benefit from? Leave a comment below to share your thoughts with everyone!