A Raleigh Web Design Company Since 2012

Call Us in Raleigh, NC — (919) 438-2180 / hello@addicottweb.com

Color in Web Design: Color Symbolism

Color is an important element web designers need to think about when creating the look of a website. Different colors have different meanings – cultural, instinctual, universal, and more – and can stimulate different people in different ways.

Your Website’s Call-to-Action is Its Central Purpose

Say a new visitor to your website finds you through a search engine. They’re impressed with your content, which was written to get their attention. They like your professional design, which establishes that you’re a trustworthy brand. So then what? Give them a call-to-action and tell them what they should do, that’s what!

4 Special Usability Concerns of Dark Websites

Dark websites seem to be growing in popularity lately. If done properly, they can convey a sense of elegance, sophistication, sleekness, and/or professionalism. But in order to create a great dark website, web designers need to pay attention to some special usability concerns that come with the unique territory.

What to Ask When Designing for a Target Audience

When people first come to me to design a website for them, one of the first things I ask them is who their target audience is. Knowing who a website’s visitors are (or will be) is crucial for designers to know, because it helps us make all of the design decisions that will ultimately comprise Continue Reading »